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Showing posts from May, 2021

To safeguard Labour Rights, Hire a Labour Lawyer Toronto

Are you a Canadian worker who feels that his rights might get jeopardized or he may be wrongfully dismissed? If yes, then you need not worry as the Canadian Labour laws are elaborate and they focus on safeguarding the interests of the workers and they have several rules and regulations associated with it. No employer can violate these rules and if they wrongfully dismiss you, then you have the right to seek the assistance of a Labour Lawyer Toronto who will ensure that justice is served. What is the Labour code of Canada? These assure the benefits and employment entitlements of the laborer in Canada. These are related to the work conditions as defined by the legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada. Part I of the Code stresses workplace relations. Part II governs workplace health and safety and aims to mitigate workplace hazards. Part III determines working conditions like work hours, wages, overtime, holidays, vacation, leaves, etc. According to the Labour Code, the employee...